Lorne Harder

Director, Chairman


Mr. Harder has been in the insurance industry for over 30 years, much of it as a major shareholder in a large regional brokerage. He holds a Diploma of Financial Management and a Bachelor of Administration (Accounting) degree, and has been awarded a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP) designation by the Insurance Institute of Canada.

George Gale

Director, Interim CEO

George H. Gale (BAEd, BSc, MSc, PhD, P.Eng) has worked in mineral deposits studies and exploration since 1964. He has been involved in the discovery of industrial mineral deposits in Newfoundland and Manitoba, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits in Manitoba and a copper-molybdenum deposit in Norway. In addition to conducting detailed studies of VMS and gold deposits in Manitoba he has undertaken geochemical studies and helped develop new methods for mineral exploration. Dr Gale was VP of Exploration for VMS Ventures Inc and Harvest Gold Corp from 2005 -09 and is currently the President and CEO of Namex Explorations Inc, a gold exploration company, and CEO and Chairman of Triple Nine Resources Ltd and Four Corners Mining Corporation, which are advancing a world class Iron-Titanium-Vanadium deposit in Newfoundland. He is a member of the Professional Association of Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba and a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists

Natasha Tsai

Chief Financial Officer

Natasha Tsai, CPA, CA, is Managing Director at Malaspina Consultants Inc.  She has been a senior advisor and chief financial officer with companies in a broad range of industries.  Natasha specializes in the areas of financial operations and business performance.  Prior to 2012, Natasha was the CFO of a junior mining company and the corporate controller of an early stage company in the energy sector.  Natasha is a graduate of Sauder School of Business at UBC and received her Chartered Accountant designation in 2007.  She is also a former co-chair of the Young CA Forum at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC.

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