Mr. Bill McWilliam reports


Cascadero Copper Corp. has received assays from three surface zones from the promising Caipe uranium property in northwestern Argentina.

Zone Area sampled Number U3O8 U3O8
(m) of samples ppm (avg) (lb/tn)

Main 200 by 600 22 335.2 0.737
West Outcrop 1 143 0.315
South East 50 by 75 6 962.3 2.12
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All samples 29 458.3 1.01
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The three zones were subject to reconnaissance-style prospecting and sampling. Mineralization is variably exposed over 750 metres east-west and 1,000 metres north-south, and is open. The samples in the table are from a calcium-rich travertine-style sedimentary lithology. The mineralized zones are in an extensional basin that has significant aoelian-style overburden and excavator trenching is necessary to determine the extent and continuity of the zones. Of the 22 samples in the main zone, 18 are channel samples from 1.0 to 1.6 metres long in a vertical direction cut normal to flat-lying stratigraphy. Assay values range from eight parts per million U3O8 to 1,232.7 parts per million U3O8.

Of the six samples from the South East zone, two are 1.0-metre channel samples also taken vertical to the stratigraphy. Four grab samples from each of the Main and South East zones were taken by Salta Exploraciones SA (SESA) personnel in the same areas as the channel samples. The grab samples of mineralized travertine from the Main zone range from 49.28 to 1,379.5 parts per million U3O8, while grab samples from the South East zone range from 730.98 to 1.385.6 parts per million U308.

In addition to the mineralized travertine lithology, volcanic, syenite and granite lithologies were sampled. The travertine lithology produced the highest and most consistent uranium assays, while the other lithologies produced anomalous uranium values with a high assay of 113.4 parts per million U3O8.

The Caipe property is 100-per-cent owned by Salta Exploraciones SA (SESA), which company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Argentine Frontier Resources Inc (AFRI). The Caipe property is subject to a letter agreement (Feb. 21, 2007). that enables Cascadero Copper to examine and sample the property and to acquire up to a 70-per-cent interest by making cash payments, share issuances and an exploration commitment. The company has until Aug. 21, 2007, to enter into a formal agreement, which will be subject to title verification, financing and regulatory approval.

Fieldwork was supervised by Dave Kuran, PGeo, who is the qualified person for the company. Assays were done by Acme Analytical in Vancouver, B.C.

Cascadero, Stealth Minerals and AFRI have certain directors in common. Stealth Minerals owns 23,000,001 shares (49 per cent) of Cascadero Copper, and provides management and geological consulting services to it and AFRI.

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