The Company has started the permitting procedure to initiate a reconnaissance style core drilling program at Tocomar. The Company has collected over ninety (90) samples from Tocomar, which is located in north western Argentina. Forty-six (46) of those samples have focused further exploration on two closely spaced sub-parallel mineralized structures with a strike length in excess of 1,000 metres. True thickness of the structures is unknown. All samples are rock grab samples from pits, trenches and outcrop.


Number of Samples

Silver (ppm)*

Lead (ppm)*

Zinc (ppm)*





* Arithmetic average

Of the 46 samples:

  • Ten of the lead assays are >10,000 ppm and were not re-assayed
  • Three of the zinc assays are >10,000 ppm and were not re-assayed
  • Four of the silver assays were >100 ppm
  • One of the four >100 ppm ICP silver assays (sample AF-9748) was fire assayed by ACME and returned a value of 1,424 ppm (46.8 oz/tn)
  • ** If sample AF-9748 is capped at 100 ppm, the average silver value presented in Table One decreases from 48.7 ppm to 20.0 ppm
  • Cascadero does not intend to re-assay the three >100 ppm silver assays

The property is underlain by Middle Miocene volcanic rocks and hypabyssal intrusive bodies of andesite and dacite overlying and intruding Late Eocene to Early Miocene red bed sediments. These red-bed sediments form part of a fluvial and lacustrine sequence deposited within a series of graben-like and pull-apart structures developed along the eastern part of the Argentine Puna. The Tocomar volcanic rocks occupy a 3,000 x 3,000 metre basin located along the northeastern margin of the 30+ kilometre diameter Aguas Calientes caldera volcanic complex. These volcanic rocks are part of a series of large and small volcanic centers associated with extensional jogs along the NW-SE trending Calama-Olacapato-Toro (COT) transverse structure. The high-sulphidation Tocomar mineralization and the epithermal mineralization present at past producing Incachule, La Poma and Concordia mines are possibly genetically related to this major structure and with related extensional faults into this shear system.

The Olacapato structure forms the central part of this major transverse structure that transects the Andes and is comprised of the El Toro segment at its eastern limits and the Calama segment at its western limits, where it hosts the super-giant Chuquicamata Cu-porphyry at its intersection with the West Fissure fault zone in Chile.

Historical work is evident by the presence of numerous exploration pits and hand dug trenches conducted over a widespread area that variably exposes a mineralized zone with several hundred metres of vertical relief. In the west-central part, the mineralization consists of a series of east-west trending quartz-barite-hematite veins. This work exposes showings of altered rock and mineralization containing barite-silica-mercury-arsenic-antimony-galena with highly-anomalous values in silver-lead-zinc.

Zones of alteration and mineralization are localized within a 3,000 by 3,000 metre area of altered volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The high-sulphidation alteration is evident as regionally visible extensive bleaching of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Argillic and silica alteration are regionally dominant with barite present in both the volcanic and sedimentary rocks.

In September, the Company intends to complete mapping of the area that hosts the highly-anomalous mineralization with a view to identifying locations for drill holes. Given the sulphide nature of the mineralization an Induced Polarization geophysical survey is being considered. An initial 4-hole reconnaissance style drill program consisting of 1,000 metres is planned.

The Company is excited by the discovery potential and the large-scale extent of the mineralized system with highly-anomalous geochemical values of the surface showings. Assays from grab samples have demonstrated that the extensive alteration zone can produce bonanza-grade silver values.

The Tocomar exploration program was supervised and directed by Dr. Tom Richards PhD., P.Geo who is the qualified person for the Company's Argentine exploration programs. Salta personnel conducted all sampling and the samples were first taken to the Companies office in the city of Salta then packaged and shipped by Salta personnel for preparation to ACME Analytical Laboratories in Santiago, Chile and then flown to ACME Analytical in Vancouver for assay.

Tocomar is located in northwestern Argentina and is 100% owned by Salta Exploraciones SA, which is 50% owned by Cascadero Copper.

Bill McWilliam
Cascadero Copper Corp
Office = 604-924-5504
Cell = 604-999-0391

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