Cascadero has approved a second phase of testing focused on the extraction of cesium from Taron mineral samples. This phase of testing will start immediately and is being conducted by the University of British Columbia.   

Cascadero Copper Corporation has previously completed proof of principle testing of the processing of a sample of cesium containing material from the Taron project in Argentina. The process involves acid leaching of the ground ore (whole ore) followed by the separation of the barren leach residue from the leach solution.  The leachate is then treated with aluminum sulfate solution and allowed to cool to recover a cesium alum precipitate. This precipitate is then processed to produce high quality cesium hydroxide.  Cesium hydroxide may be converted to any number of cesium salts such as cesium formate by addition of a suitable acid (e.g. Formic acid).

There are several improvements to the process that are under investigation. The specific focus of the current work will be to significantly reduce the acid consumption for cesium leaching by investigating a more selective leaching system.

Professor David Dreisinger, B.A.Sc., Ph.D., P.Eng. will supervise the laboratory at the University of British Columbia with the assistance of Cascadero technical staff and advisors.

Judith Harder
Office: 604-924-5504
Cell: 604-992.9880
Email: judith@cascadero.com

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