The Incahuasi property is located near the city of Salta, Argentina. The Las Burras-Incahuasi mineralized systems are hosted in Tertiary stocks, dykes and volcanics, and intrude into late Proterozoic sedimentary and Cambrian intrusive rocks. The region contains three separate showings and numerous occurrences with quartz, sericite, tourmaline and pyrite alteration. Mineralization occurs as stockworks, veins, porphyry and greisen settings. Incahausi itself is believed to host a gold porphyry system. Zones of highly anomalous gold are peripheral to each of these porphyry settings and previous work down played their potential as a gold play. These are vein and stockwork systems of quartz, pyrite, sericite, specular hematite and tourmaline that appear to represent a stage of mineralization later than, and peripheral to, the porphyries. These include:

  1. A zone of about 600 x 600 meters along the eastern margin of the most northerly of the porphyries. Of 191 prospecting samples collected, 17 were greater than 1 gm/t gold with a high of 5.8 gm/t. Silver values are also elevated with a high of 115 ppm.
  2. A 50 x 400 meter zones along the east side of the south porphyry. Of 13 samples collected, all were greater than 100 ppb and with 5 greater than 1 gm/t (3 greater than 2.5 gm/t with a high of 3.8 gm).
  3. Other anomalous zones of gold mineralization in the area include:
    1. Six samples collected across a 100 m zone in the western margin of the property - 5 were anomalous with three giving values of 6.1, 12.3 and 3.7 gm/t gold. One kilometer to the north a sample gave 11gm/t associated with specular hematite.
    2. High-grade gold values to 200 gm/t associated with isolated quartz-pyrite-tourmaline veins to the east of the south porphyry. Gold values of 200 and 128 gm/t were obtained from separate veins.
    3. Gold to 3 gm/t associated with veins along the east side of the middle porphyry.
    4. Gold to 8.8 gm/t associated with quartz carbonate veins along the southwest part of the area.
    5. Gold to 48 gm/t associated with quartz, tourmaline, and sericite altered greisen breccias.
    6. An 11 gram gold sample from quartz (pyrite and specular hematite) veins north of (3) a.

Work done in 2003 yielded the following values:

2003 Analysis

BR 303811893785271.282712.731851611175Incahuasi
BR 312675315912527.2885< 36610090Incahuasi
BR 301761031350.81898.177132046250Incahuasi
AL 00233273152.5957.6988< 3195925Incahuasi
SR 6028738056194.5929.97135< 31085000Incahuasi
AL 01361736367154.41477.83124< 32384360Incahuasi
BR 31274422046< .320512.454< 3363330Incahuasi
AL 014714368200.91081.7113< 333170Incahuasi
SR 6040424170693.412213.9183< 3733010Incahuasi
BR 3020210612100.6544.3940< 392950Incahuasi
BR 303341681040< .31363.176< 332700Incahuasi
AL 0146388549300.3406.26143< 3312660Incahuasi
BR 3035123217022812.4107018.5593< 3202550Incahuasi
BR 312831614812064.8225< 3772540Incahuasi
BR 3041828107125< .317016.9722241462485Incahuasi
AL 0037< 134360119324.76644.86299662270Incahuasi
BR 30366914539< .313812.4771< 3122243Incahuasi
SR 602955726131.5854.7461< 3231840Incahuasi
AL 00244308211.31059.8952< 3311775Incahuasi
AL 015122317461.21644.829< 3< 31550Incahuasi
BR 30378675212< .3548.2113< 31488Incahuasi
AL 01324187714< .32673.5127< 341220Incahuasi
SR 60305380329236.987915.88197< 38061140Incahuasi
BR 314087229570.524621.391605131100Incahuasi
SR 6027139413110.31193.3149< 3281000Incahuasi

These values are pulled from a 2003 report by Dr. T.A. Richards and Ron Bilquist. The cover photo is of the Las Burras prospect. The small ridge in the foreground hosts anomalous gold values.Cascadero hopes to continue exploration of Incahuasi in the 2017-2018 field season. Incahuasi is jointly owned by Cascadero and parter Regberg.

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